
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 26 - Season 3 Bonus Fan Episode

Fanfics read:
as tightly as you held on to me (by chokingontheirhalos)
Batman vs Echo (by Puddintater)
Culmination (by Salmon_Pink)
Free Willy – Champion of the Sea (by Andy Prosser)
kamen rider AMERICA (by lazulisong)
No Lies (by hagwiggle)
Solid as a Rock (by KingAlanI)
Strange New Worlds (by pluto)
take and give (by venvephe)
What A Catch (by kimberly_wolf)

Readers: Stevo, Disambiguity, Shawn, Afrobear, LackofSense, Mana, SymPhoenix, Tehmsu, Val

Even in the worst of circumstances, we can find something magical. Such was the case on one Wednesday evening, as the FNF hosts were preparing for the show, many weather stations announced a massive, windy storm that would cause much damage and loss of electricity. Stevo, ever the cautious showrunner, called off the recording for the night and released the FNF hosts to do their own thing. The skies grew dark and then…

Nothing happened.

There was no wind, no rain, and it was only dark because the sun set. It was a huge letdown, and left Stevo frustrated and many fans who didn’t get the message were still hanging in the Discord chat. So, in his frustration, Stevo went into the Discord to hang with people and relax. And, out of habit, they started reading fanfiction. So, of course, Stevo started recording and then Val showed up for some reason.

Thus was the saga of the first ever Friday Night Fanfiction fan episode, which may become a regular feature. We read a lot of great, short stories (listed below) and it basically saved our sanity in the midst of the longfic for Season 3. Thanks to those who randomly were around and read with us on a non-horrible weather night.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 25 - We’re All Butt Pregnant

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: David, Logan, Stevo

WE DID IT! WE FINISHED IT! Last episode we concluded the core story of our season finale longfic: “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” a Captain America / Bucky story by OhCaptainMyCaptain and in this episode we wrap the epilogue where we were surprised to find… The most graphic sex of the entire frickin’ story! We’re done! We got through the whole damn thing! WE’RE ON VACATION UNTIL MID MAY!

Thanks to all our guests, fans, cohosts, and authors during this incredibly awesome season. We love you all, and we’ll see you when we get back. BUY A T-SHIRT, WON’T CHA?!

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 24 - One the Milk-ee, the Other the Milk-er

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Tony
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain concludes!  Yes, you heard us right: WE FINISHED THE CORE STORY! We did it, reddit! We did iiiiiiiiiit!

Tony of Nerdy Show lends his many and varied voices as we finish the last chapter proper and begin reading the story’s epilogues. There’s not much left to say besides… things are awkward in the most wonderful ways, and we go on many wild tangents just like the OCAD days of old. Arguments over Stevo being a fat baby and sugary delectables abound!

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 23 - Athlete’s Foot in Your Butt

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Flik, Cyril the Wolf
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain continues!

There’s a party. Someone is using homophobic slurs against our main protagonist. There’s almost a fight, but then there isn’t. Then the magical healing cock is finally revealed. We are only THIRTY PAGES AWAY FROM THE END. THE PAIN IS REAL.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 22 - Fish Cereal

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Troy, Matt, Val, Tehmsu, Shawn, Mana, Joe, SirSplee
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain continues! This episode… was a tough one to get out, but we pressed hard and squeezed it through! Thrill as we pursue Cap and Buck’s post-coital relationship some more and suffer through internal dialog while they prepare for an anniversary party or something.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 21 - A Triforce of Crisps

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Cap
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain continues! In this episode… we’re joined by Nerdy Show‘s Cap and more importantly… WE FOUND THE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!

…No orgasm yet, though. Seriously, it took us this long and we still haven’t cum. Goobers.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 20 - Rolling Brown-Out

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Mana, Deven
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain continues! In this episode… We almost had the sex. WE ALMOST HAD THE SEX.

We are literally inches away from the sex now, its so close we can taste the lube and raging boners. But no. No, we didn’t get the sex. We got more of Bucky’s backstory about his alcoholism and his arm and him being a whiny pissant to all his friends because he refuses to believe Steve in interested in him and it’s like, “OH MY GOD IS THIS A SHOW ON THE WB IN THE MID 90’S?!”

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 19 - Splinterdick

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Wolfboy, Manny
Referee: Val

The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain continues! Same story as last time, same stuff as last time. Shenanigans were had. No sex was witnessed. We’re growing desperate. We may just have to start resorting to Sears advertisements for sexual stimulation.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 18 - We’re Up All Night To Fuck Bucky

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, D-LUCKS, IceAbyzz
Referee: Val

Here in FNF Central we’ve got more fluff than a pillow factory as we venture farther into the teenage sitcom-drama of our season finale longfic, “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain. We yell at the characters to do something, because it’s obvious they’re going to be courting and mating by the end of the story, but we have to go through so much inner high school pain that we all actually returned to high school today by accident.


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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 3 Episode 17 - Magical Healing Cock

Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)

Readers: Stevo, Logan, Sam, Shawn, Steve

At long last – we finally get to the meat and potatoes and/or stuffing of Season 3: the longfic! That’s a piece of fan fiction that’s a true journey; lasting multiple episodes. This time, we have a riveting, action-packed adventure featuring Marvel’s greatest her- wait, no. It’s an alternate universe fic featuring Steve Rodgers and James Barnes (aka Captain America and his pal Bucky!) getting in a faux romance to ward off Buckey’s overbearing family during a vacation. Presenting: “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain.

This thing is fluffy. Very fluffy. This is a friggin’ fluff FACTORY. We’re going to make it though. We know there’s sex. We know it’s worth it. This isn’t like the Season 2 debacle – we know that some way, some how there’s going to be a big phallic volcano that we can toss our golden penis-ring onto as magical eagles made of boobs come rescue us or something.

Let us begin to get there and back again something something hobbits.

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