Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Tony
Referee: Val
The season finale longfic reading of the Captain America/ Bucky tale “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain concludes! Yes, you heard us right: WE FINISHED THE CORE STORY! We did it, reddit! We did iiiiiiiiiit!
Tony of Nerdy Show lends his many and varied voices as we finish the last chapter proper and begin reading the story’s epilogues. There’s not much left to say besides… things are awkward in the most wonderful ways, and we go on many wild tangents just like the OCAD days of old. Arguments over Stevo being a fat baby and sugary delectables abound!
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