Fanfics read:
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You (by OhCaptainMyCaptain)
Readers: Stevo, Logan, Sam, Shawn, Steve
At long last – we finally get to the meat and potatoes and/or stuffing of Season 3: the longfic! That’s a piece of fan fiction that’s a true journey; lasting multiple episodes. This time, we have a riveting, action-packed adventure featuring Marvel’s greatest her- wait, no. It’s an alternate universe fic featuring Steve Rodgers and James Barnes (aka Captain America and his pal Bucky!) getting in a faux romance to ward off Buckey’s overbearing family during a vacation. Presenting: “Is It Pretending If I Already Want You” by OhCaptainMyCaptain.
This thing is fluffy. Very fluffy. This is a friggin’ fluff FACTORY. We’re going to make it though. We know there’s sex. We know it’s worth it. This isn’t like the Season 2 debacle – we know that some way, some how there’s going to be a big phallic volcano that we can toss our golden penis-ring onto as magical eagles made of boobs come rescue us or something.
Let us begin to get there and back again something something hobbits.
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