Fanfics read:
as tightly as you held on to me (by chokingontheirhalos)
Batman vs Echo (by Puddintater)
Culmination (by Salmon_Pink)
Free Willy – Champion of the Sea (by Andy Prosser)
kamen rider AMERICA (by lazulisong)
No Lies (by hagwiggle)
Solid as a Rock (by KingAlanI)
Strange New Worlds (by pluto)
take and give (by venvephe)
What A Catch (by kimberly_wolf)
Readers: Stevo, Disambiguity, Shawn, Afrobear, LackofSense, Mana, SymPhoenix, Tehmsu, Val
Even in the worst of circumstances, we can find something magical. Such was the case on one Wednesday evening, as the FNF hosts were preparing for the show, many weather stations announced a massive, windy storm that would cause much damage and loss of electricity. Stevo, ever the cautious showrunner, called off the recording for the night and released the FNF hosts to do their own thing. The skies grew dark and then…
Nothing happened.
There was no wind, no rain, and it was only dark because the sun set. It was a huge letdown, and left Stevo frustrated and many fans who didn’t get the message were still hanging in the Discord chat. So, in his frustration, Stevo went into the Discord to hang with people and relax. And, out of habit, they started reading fanfiction. So, of course, Stevo started recording and then Val showed up for some reason.
Thus was the saga of the first ever Friday Night Fanfiction fan episode, which may become a regular feature. We read a lot of great, short stories (listed below) and it basically saved our sanity in the midst of the longfic for Season 3. Thanks to those who randomly were around and read with us on a non-horrible weather night.
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