Fanfics read:
The Tamanegi Saga (By Android 20 Cerra)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Cyril, Deven
Referee: Val
The thrilling conclusion, to the Dragon Ball Z journey we began last episode. It’s true, all 195 separate 25 minute episodes have been compressed into two handy-dandy 2 hour podcasts! “The Tamanegi Saga” by Android 20 Cerra concludes!
Join us as the runaway train switches tracks like crazy. After Piccolo gets his power boost, he bends the genders of the universe and forms a fleshlight to engage Vegeta with… and then Shrek shows up and starts turning everyone into zombies with onion eyes and… Well, it’s best we not spoil anymore. Cyril and Deven from OCAD classic grace us with their presence as we struggle valiantly to tame the oniony madness!
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