Fanfics read:
Hercules.txt.txt (by some crazy fan)
Savage Savanha (by Lorenzomnomnom and NewRosswell)
Split Banana (by JoeHundredaire)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy
Referee: Val
WE’RE BACK! Our summer break has ended and now, we celebrate with three stories for our inaugural outing.
First: “Hercules.TXT.TXT“, a recap a fan for us for a friend of theirs who refused to experience the Hercules fic from Season Two. It went about as we as you would expect. WE DID IT, REDDIT! WE DID IT!
Next up, two of our most loveliest, dedicatedest fans wrote a Left 4 Dead 2 slash Lion King fic called “Savage Savannah“. This masterpiece was penned by Lorenzomnomnom and NewRosswell post by post, similar to how “A Tale of Two Minecrafts” was written back in the day. While not quite terrible OR erotic, it was a ruining of both properties and the musical number in the middle had to be cut due to copyright reasons. (Don’t sue us, Disney. PLEASE.)
And finally… “Split Banana“. A wonderful erotic crossover of X-Men and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by JoeHundredaire, in which Xander gets up to make a midnight snack but ends up losing more calories than he gained… If you know what I’m saying!
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