Fanfics read:
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)
The Lusting Beard (by Mannypedia and nodachie)
But before we learned that horrifying truth on our quest to the end of “Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst” – kijin666’s painful Harry Potter and Fate/stay night crossfic. Guest readers Mannypedia and nodachie cobbled together a homemade fic just for Stevo and about Stevo during last week’s episode. They titled it “The Lustful Beard“, and were gracious enough to come on and read it with us while Stevo delivered his own lines. David also did lines, but Stevo would rather forget that performance in all its intimate detail. Old pal Garret also returned to the show for first time since Season One! It was a doozie.
Then we actually got to the sex, and it was like two pages long, and totally not worth it IN. THE. LEAST.
*flips desk, and chairs, and house*
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