Fanfics read:
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)
Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Shawn, Deven, Manny, Tony
Referee: NONE!
Season 2’s epic epoch of longfic begins here! Season One’s longfic, “Sonic in the Search for Love” nearly killed us. This time around,we’re hoping things will be better. [Spoiler Alert: One episode in and… NOPE.] This wretched endurance test is a wonderful crossover that has inception-level references. It doesn’t just cross the streams between Harry Potter and the Japanese visual novel Fate/Stay Night. No, we’re not that lucky. It’s a crossover of Harry Potter and someone’s 930,000 word long Fate/Stay Night fanfiction. Presenting: “Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst” by kijin666.
There are not enough curse words in all of the languages on Earth combined to express the rage. Guest readers include: newcomer Manny joins Shawn, Deven, and Nerdy Show‘s Tony!
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