Fanfics read:
Brotherly Love (by jj1a)
On Bio-Mass (by Twitchystitch)
Sex in the City (by Hairy Gregory)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Brad, Kyle, Tony
Referee: Val
The FNF crew are joined by Kyle (HeroMax), Brad, and Tony for a romping cartoon free-for-all, smashing your childhood and adulthood animated loves with sardonic sexual encounters! We start with “On Bio-Mass” an Adventure Time ficapalooza by Twitchystitch where Princess Bubblegum devours Finn in the most sensual way possible. Sexy servings of pseudoscience! We follow this up with “Sex in the City” by Hairy Gregory, a Powerpuff Girls fic not nearly as bad as Comicsnix’s “Naked Heart: In Soul of the Sun“. Trust us when we say the story’s ending joke is worth trudging through the moistness dealt by Blossom’s bereaved buttcrack. Finally, we tear up the Thundercats with some sibling seduction in jj1a’s “Brotherly Love“. It’s a lot better than watching middle school elective wrestling, and about as erotic.
Keep an eye on our facebook page for the mentioned mspaintporn once we have a chance to censor it for the eyes of the world. It’s too horrible in its native state… like dark matter… or taco bell.
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