Fanfics read:
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)
Readers: Stevo, Roy, Val, Tony, Beth, Cyril
Referee: Val
Our sixth installment in the never-ending nightmare of Krezz’s “Sonic in the Search for Love“. We’ve lost contact with the FNFcrew, all we found was a journal in the scorched remains of an old library:
“January 12th, 2015.
Nope. No description. Not even worth doing it. Life is pain, life is misery. SONIC IS THE ILLUMINATI. We are all under his spell, and we can not break free. I know not what sin I have committed to be relegated to this eternal purgatory. All I know is that, like Dante, I must press forward into the foul depths and not turn back. I must descend into the abyss in order to reach my promised paradise.
Godspeed to us all.”
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