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Fanfics Read:
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Brad
Referee: Valerie
Since it seems like the show made it past the pilot episode without getting canceled (THANKS, CAP!), the crew followed up with Episode 2, where they spent the whole time reading part 1 of Gamerz Fantasy VIII. In part 1, the author spends a good amount of time building up character and backstory before trapping Selphie with two Minotaur brothers (named Minotaur and Sacred, how creative) who then spent record time giving her stockholm syndrome in order to ravage her questionably-aged body. This is apparently how people get Guardian Forces in Final Fantasy VIII. I wouldn’t know, I’ve never played it, and if this story is any indicator of what the game consists of, I’m glad I haven’t played it.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
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